Genevieve Ray is a civic activist whose current project is Hard Bargains: a new public artwork.

A 2011 Loeb Alumni Council grant inspired a collaborative art project, now in the final stages of creation by Genevieve Ray and Ross Miller (’93). Building on the 1777 editing and agreement on the Articles of Confederation in York PA, the sculptural work explores the questions and negotiations behind this document, the direct precursor of the US Constitution, and one of the first texts to name the United States of America. The 2011 grant featured a panel of five Loeb Fellows in an “Art for All” program hosted by Ray and featuring Miller, Kathleen Barrie (‘94), Donna Graves (‘09) and Rosemary Noon (‘92).

Until her retirement, Ray was principal of Urban Conservation and Design, a consulting firm in city planning, urban redevelopment, historic preservation and citizen involvement.

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