Recent Events

11/19/24 Hard To Swallow: A Food Show Not About Food

Hard To Swallow, an unreleased docuseries from Tunde Wey ’25, is essayistic and reflexive, describing Wey’s career while examining the social structures that disenfranchise Black people globally. The 6-part series premiered at CANNESERIES and SeriesFest in 2024 and will be released in 2025.

Screening of the pilot and finale episode was followed by a panel of Loeb Fellows discussing the broader themes of the episodes.

Series Trailers and participants

View of audience and bottom of screen at Test screening of Hard To Swallow, Los Angeles, 2024. Credit: Tyler Aryai.

Image Credit: Tyler Aryai


11/15/24 Loeb Fellowship Symposium:“A Round Table – Makers and Users”

This symposium brought together five Loeb Fellows from the 10 years of John Peterson’s curatorship to share stories of how interdependence and collaboration have been instrumental to the success of their work, exemplifying and extending the Loeb Fellowship’s vision and reach.

Alejandro Echeverri LF’16, Natalia García Dopazo LF’23, Stephanie Hankey LF’22, Jordan Weber LF’22, and Eric Williams LF’18 delved into the value of dialogue, fellowship, and sharing as acts of care that broaden the intellectual and human horizons of the shapers of our environment. These practices not only cultivate networks of support and personal growth but also challenge the conventional values of authorship and exclusivity.



11/13/24 Interdisciplinary Feminist Practices as Insurgent Possibilities: a conversation with Shana M. griffin

This artist talk with Shana M. griffin, the 2025 Loeb/ArtLab Fellow, is part of the Designing Within Conflict, Building for Peace lecture series and Malkit Shoshan’s Interdisciplinary Art and Design Practices Seminar at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Shana M. griffin


9/18/24 Meet the 2025 Loeb Fellows

The 2025 Loeb Fellows are ten innovators who are transforming public spaces and urban infrastructure, rectifying health and environmental injustices, addressing housing needs, and preserving cultural, natural, and architectural heritage. In 3 groups they presented their work and practice with short videos and engaged with each other through Q&A moderated by curator John Peterson.


5/3/24 The 2024 Loeb Year in Review

The Loeb Fellowship Class of 2024 reflects on their year as Loeb Fellows at the GSD and at Harvard and looks ahead to expanding their impact in the world.


2/27/24 Senior Loeb Scholar Lecture: Malkit Shoshan, “Designing Within Conflict”

Malkit Shoshan is an internationally celebrated designer, author, and educator. She is the founding director of FAST–the Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory, which creates projects at the intersection of architecture, urban planning and human rights. Using spatial design tools, she makes visible systemic violence, engages with the public to co-design socially and environmentally just alternatives, and advocates for systemic change.

Listen to the lecture

portrait of Malkit Shoshan


10/17/23 Fall 2023 Loeb Lecture: David Gissen and The Architecture of Disability

In his new book The Architecture of Disability, David Gissen situates experiences of impairment as a new foundation for the built environment. He is joined by GSD alum Sara Hendren MDES ‘1 to look beyond traditional notions of accessibility and positively reimagine the roots of architecture.


9/13/23 Meet the 2024 Loeb Fellows

5/5/23 Loeb Fellowship Class of 2023 Final Presentations

The 2023 Loebs look back on their year at the Harvard GSD and ahead to new challenges.

11/13-16/22 Guy Nordenson, Senior Loeb Scholar

Structural engineer Guy Nordenson ’94 has been involved in the design and construction of complex and challenging projects, including the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington DC. Moreover, for the past 15 years, he has developed strategies for climate change, coastal adaptation, and storm surge mitigation through research, publications, exhibitions, and consultation with national stakeholders.

Guy Nordenson


10/8/22 Paint+Plants+Poetry: Seitu Jones and Soyini Guyton

Artist Seitu Jones ’02 and poet Soyini Guyton describe their projects in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota–which include art installations, a community farm, a half-mile-long dinner table—all with the aim of achieving the beloved community.

10/6/22 Loeb Fellowship 50th Anniversary Symposium Keynote: Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson with Virginia Prescott ’02

Marine biologist and policy expert Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson takes a grounded and hopeful approach to the climate crisis, promoting the Blue New Deal as a roadmap for including the ocean in climate policy.

Ayana Elizabeth JohnsonSnorkeling+in+Barbuda


9/14/22 Meet the Loeb Fellowship Class of 2023

The 2023 Fellows are ten innovators who work across housing, public space, media, environmental sustainability, real estate development, gender equity, and other fields to advance positive social outcomes around the world.


5/6/22 2022 Loeb Fellows: Final Presentations

The Loeb Fellowship Class of 2022 reflects on their year at the GSD and at Harvard and looks ahead to returning to their communities and expanding their impact in the world.

4/13/22 Loeb50 Urban/Rural: Divided or Cojoined

Peter Stein ’81, moderates a discussion with Mark Anderson of the Nature Conservancy, Mary Means ’81, and Kolu Zigbi ’15 to examine responses to climate change which cross urban-rural boundaries with a synergistic approach.


3/1/22 Senior Loeb Scholar Lecture: Lesley Lokko

Lesley Lokko is the founder and director of the African Futures Institute in Accra, Ghana, and curator of La Biennale Architettura di Venezia 2023. 

In an episode of The Nexus podcast, Lesley Lokko delves into the relationship between fiction writing and architecture and the role of the school in preparing future architects.

11/12/21 Loeb50: Mobility in the Post Pandemic City

Andrew Salzberg ’20 moderated a lively conversation with Seleta Reynolds, Dorval R. Carter, Jr., and Rit Aggarwala, about the challenges and opportunities posed by the Covid pandemic for the future of cities and transportation.


10/8-10/21 Black In Design Conference–Black Matter

Mpho Matsipa ’22 offered a keynote lecture at the fourth biannual Black in Design conference Black Matter; Michael Uwemedimo and Jordan Weber were also on the roster.


10/5/21 Loeb Fellowship Lecture: Reginald Dwayne Betts

Poet, memoirist, and teacher Reginald Dwayne Betts reflects on the challenges of living in the shadow of mass incarceration with a story of violence, love, and fatherhood. The recording is not available at the request of the speaker.

© Mamadi Doumbouya

9/13/21 Meet the Loebs: Class of 2022

The Loeb Fellowship presents the Loeb Fellowship Class of 2022, ten innovators who work across activism, public art, film and media, technology, real estate development, and other fields that advance positive social outcomes around the world. The Class of 2022, in conversation with GSD faculty members, present their work and engagement with critical issues of the current moment.

4/5/21 Small Town Urbanism in the 21st Century

Andrew Freear LF’18, director of Rural Studio at Auburn University; Faranak Miraftab, professor of urban and regional planning at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; and Todd Okolichany, director of planning and urban design for Asheville, North Carolina bring their unique perspectives to a panel moderated by GSD faculty members Eve Blau and Diane Davis.

4/2/21 Beyond Inclusion: The Role of the Built Environment in Advancing Equity

Kimberly Driggins LF’16, Shaney Peña-Gómez LF’18, and Tracy Metz LF’07 are practitioners from the predominantly male worlds of media, planning and community development, design and architecture. They bring their distinctive views of diversity to a conversation about where we are in the design professions and what transformation is necessary to reflect the complexity and diversity of the communities we’re meant to serve.


2/25/21 When Memory is Not Enough–A conversation with Walter Hood and Garnette Cadogan

Garnette Cadogan is the 2020-2021 Harry W. Porter, Jr. Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia. Walter Hood, 2021 Senior Loeb Scholar, is the award winning founder of Hood Design Studio and professor of landscape architecture and environmental planning at UC Berkeley. His latest publication is Black Landscapes Matter.


2/22/21 When Memory is Not Enough: the 2021 Senior Loeb Scholar Lecture

The 2021 Senior Loeb Scholar Lecture features Walter Hood, whose landscape designs are celebrated for their respect for ecological and cultural, contemporary and historic context. Hood is the award winning founder of Hood Design Studio and professor of landscape architecture and environmental planning at UC Berkeley. His latest publication is Black Landscapes Matter.


11/10/20 Loeb50: Design and Activism Now

HECTOR partner Damon Rich LF’07 and Designing Justice + Designing Spaces cofounder Deanna Van Buren LF’13 talk with Philadelphia Inquirer architecture critic Inga Saffron LF’12 about engaging in activism while being part of a service profession.


10/15/20 The Rouse Visiting Artist Lecture

Award winning chef and restauranteur Marcus Samuelsson in conversation with Thelma Golden, Mark Raymond, and host Toni L. Griffin LF ’98.


10/8/20 The 2020 Loeb Lecture

Edgar Pieterse,  the NRF South African Research Chair in Urban Policy and founding director of the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town, calls for innovations that take advantage of new investments, technology, and local assets and support civic empowerment to respond to the daunting challenges of African cities.

10/1/20 Emmanuel Pratt Lecture

Emmanuel Pratt LF’17 takes viewers on a tour of the Sweetwater Foundation, a nonprofit based on Chicago’s South Side which engages local residents in the cultivation and regeneration of social, environmental, and economic resources in their neighborhoods. His work earned him a 2019 MacArthur Fellowship.


9/25/20 In Pursuit of Equitable Development: Lessons from Washington, Detroit, and Boston

A joint venture of the Loeb Fellowship, the Joint Center for Housing Studies, and the Department of Urban Planning.


9/17/20 Loeb50: 50 (More) Years of Fellowship

A conversation between Loeb Fellowship curator John Peterson LF’06, curator emeritus James Stockard LF’78, moderated by Tau Tavengwa LF’18.