Boris Dramov is an architect/urban designer who has focused his professional efforts on the design of the public realm and the recycling of urban lands to meet higher standards for quality of life and diverse social opportunity.
In particular, he has worked on the transformation of urban waterfronts throughout the country and world, and has left a major imprint on his home waterfront in San Francisco and the downtown parks, plazas, promenades, piers, and streets that help reconnect it to the surrounding city. For thirty-five years, he led the efforts of ROMA Design Group, a multidisciplinary firm in San Francisco where he brought in many other talented individuals that today carry on its traditions. A special opportunity arose when ROMA, under Boris’ leadership, entered and then won the design competition for the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Competition in Washington DC from a field of over 1,000 entries.
Boris is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and the American Institute of Certified Planners and was named Distinguished Alumnus at University of Southern California, where he received his undergraduate degree in architecture, before attending Columbia University.