Randy Gragg
Randy Gragg is a writer, editor, and producer who has worked in the Pacific Northwest since the mid-‘80s. He regularly develops public programs, lectures, competitions, and exhibits on architecture, landscape, and urban design with an eye toward impacts on the region’s future.
Recent projects include:
One City/Many Futures: A four-part series of evenings in which 36 government leaders, activists, and designers presented their visions and projects that will define Portland’s future. Organized in conjunction with Design Week Portland 2018, The sold-out series was presented at the city’s premiere venue, the Gerding Theater.
Quest for Beauty—The Architecture, Landscapes, and Collections of John Yeon: A comprehensive survey of midcentury architect, conservationist, and art collector, John Yeon, whose buildings helped establish the Pacific Northwest Regional Style of modernism and whose activism was critical to the creation of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Project included two books, John Yeon Architecture and John Yeon Landscape he edited on Yeon’s Northwest architecture and conservation legacies.
Loop PDX: A international design competition and exhibit to raise awareness of and create a strategic framework for Portland’s proposed Green Loop, a 7-mile bike/ped greenway linking the districts of Portland’s central city.
Since 2009, he has worked with the Halprin Landscape Conservancy developing programs for the Portland Open Space Sequence—the landmark fountain plazas designed by Lawrence Halprin between 1963-70 for Portland’s South Auditorium District. He cowrote and edited the book, Where the Revolution Began: Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Reinvention of Public Space.
He served four years as editor in chief for the city magazine, Portland Monthly, and 17 years as columnist on design, culture and urban issues for Portland’s major newspaper, The Oregonian.
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