Shaney is the founder of CIVICA, a design office recently founded that operates in the space created between architecture and urbanism, and between research (Cívica-Lab) and built work (Cívica-as built). The aim of CIVICA ( is to innovate in new public policies regarding the built environment and develop new tools and spaces for citizens to participate in architecture and urban decisions.

Peña-Gómez is interested in projects where she partners with the public and private sectors and academic institutions. Within this framework, she developed the Green Santo Domingo Plan, sustainability ordinances for the capital city, and the National Network of Ecological Parks, promoting land use conservation and parks creation. As part of this network, she designed a binational park between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and coedited a book tackling the issue of green infrastructure development.

Shaney Peña-Gómez coordinated the regional planning efforts for the Quisqueya Binational Economic Council, a large-scale economic and urban development of the border region between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This binational endeavor stemmed out of Shearly Initiative-an urban office that develops innovative strategies for land stewardship in the Dominican Republic and the region-where Peña-Gómez was manager of the Planning Unit. This office has been committed in a wide range of projects from designing public spaces for the city and promoting the film industry to executing a set of interventions in the historical district of Santo Domingo.

Peña-Gómez lives and works from Santo Domingo, the largest city of the Caribbean Archipelago, where she conducts her professional practice as well as regional collaborations and academic appointments.

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